69% more
5,000 + 3,450 Theonite
Motherlode of Theonite
51% more
2,500 + 1,275 Theonite
Vaultful of Theonite
36% more
1,000 + 360 Theonite
Trunkful of Theonite
30% more
500 + 150 Theonite
Armful of Theonite
24% more
250 + 60 Theonite
Fistful of Theonite
Premier Relic Bundles
+75% VALUE
7700 Theonite & Premiere Relic Voucher Bundle
Motherlode of Theonite + 10+1 Premiere Relic Voucher
+55% VALUE
3400 Theonite & Premiere Relics Bundle
Vaultful of Theonite + 5 Premiere Relics
+50% VALUE
1210 Theonite & Premiere Relics Bundle
Trunkful of Theonite + 3 Premiere Relics
+35% VALUE
575 Theonite & Premiere Relic Bundle
Armful of Theonite + Premiere Relic